
Bed Styling Tips: How to Style Your Bed

Let’s all admit it, there’s nothing quite like sinking into a well-styled and well made bed after a long day’s hustle and honestly, it just makes your entire room feel put together. I don’t know about you, but when my bed is made, I feel like I have my life together. So grab your throw pillows and let’s get cozy with these bed styling tips!

1. Lay the Foundation

Bed styling

Before we dive into the frills and fluff, let’s talk about the foundation – your bedding. Start with quality sheets. Think soft, breathable fabrics like Egyptian cotton or cozy linen. Thread count matters, so aim for something luxurious but not too extravagant.

2. Master the Mix & Match

Now, onto the fun part – mixing and matching your bedding! Layering is key here. Start with your fitted sheet, add a flat sheet, and then comes the duvet or comforter. Opt for a duvet cover that not only matches your aesthetic but also feels like a dream against your skin.

3. Pillow Play

Ah, pillows – the cherry on top of your bed styling masterpiece. Start with your sleeping pillows against the headboard. Then, add some decorative flair with Euro shams or standard pillows in coordinating colors or patterns. Don’t be afraid to mix shapes and sizes for added visual interest!

4. Texture Time

bed styling

Time to cozy things up! Introduce texture with throws or blankets folded neatly at the foot of the bed. Whether it’s a chunky knit throw or a lightweight linen blanket, texture adds depth and warmth to your bedding ensemble.

5. Accentuate with Accessories

Now that your bedding is on point, it’s time to accessorize! Consider adding a bolster pillow or lumbar pillow for extra support and style. And let’s not forget about that bed skirt or stylish bed frame – they’re like the shoes that complete the outfit!

6. Color Coordinate

bed styling

Keep your color scheme cohesive with the rest of your bedroom decor. Whether you’re into soothing neutrals or bold pops of color, your bedding should complement the overall vibe of your space.

7. Fluff, Fluff, and Fluff Some More

bed styling

Once everything is in place, it’s time for the final touch – fluffing! Give those pillows a good karate chop and smooth out any wrinkles in your bedding. A well-fluffed bed not only looks inviting but also feels incredibly luxurious.

8. Prioritize comfort

bed styling

While aesthetics are important, comfort should remain a top priority when it comes to bed styling. Choose bedding materials that feel comfortable to the touch and ensure that the bed is arranged in a way that promotes a good night’s sleep.

9. Incorporate throws or blankets

bed styling

A throw or blanket draped across the foot of the bed adds an extra layer of coziness and can introduce additional color or texture to the space. Fold it neatly or drape it casually for a relaxed look.

10. Maintain cleanliness and tidiness

Keep the bed neatly made and free of clutter. Regularly launder bedding and pillows to ensure they stay fresh and inviting.

11. Consider the bed skirt or bed frame

bed styling

If your bed has a visible frame or bed skirt, ensure that it complements the overall style of the bedding. A bed skirt can hide the box spring and create a polished look, while a stylish bed frame can serve as a focal point in the room.

12. Embrace Your Style

bed styling

Most importantly, have fun with it! Your bed should reflect your personal style and provide a cozy sanctuary to unwind at the end of the day. So, whether you’re a minimalist at heart or a maximalist extraordinaire, embrace your unique style and make your bed a true reflection of you.

And there you have it, sleepyheads – the ultimate guide to bed styling like a professional. Now go create a bed so stylish and cozy, you’ll never want to leave! Happy styling, and sweet dreams!

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Kitchen Table Styling: The Ultimate Guide

Welcome to the heart of the home – the kitchen! Among the hustle and bustle of daily life, the kitchen table stands as a centerpiece, a place where meals are shared, memories are made, and conversations flow freely. As a virtual interior designer passionate about creating spaces that inspire and bring happiness, I’m here to guide you through the art of kitchen table styling with flair and functionality.

1. Start with a Solid Foundation

dining room table styling

Like any good design project, kitchen table styling begins with a solid foundation. Choose a table that suits your space and lifestyle, whether it’s a rustic farmhouse table, a sleek modern design, or a space-saving bistro set. Consider the size of your table in relation to the room – uou want it to be proportionate and leave enough space for movement.

2. Set the Mood with Tableware

dining room table styling

Once you have your table in place, it’s time to set the mood with tableware. Opt for quality dinnerware that reflects your personal style – whether it’s classic white porcelain, colorful stoneware, or elegant glassware. Mix and match textures and patterns for a playful touch, or keep it simple and sophisticated with a coordinated set.

3. Add a Splash of Greenery

kitchen table styling

No kitchen table is complete without a touch of greenery. Incorporating plants or fresh flowers not only adds a pop of color and life to your space but also brings a sense of freshness and vitality. Choose low-maintenance plants like succulents or herbs for easy upkeep. Opt for seasonal blooms to change up your table’s look throughout the year.

4. Layer on Texture and Dimension

dining room table styling

To create visual interest and depth, layer on texture and dimension with table linens and accessories. Experiment with different tablecloths, placemats, and napkins to add warmth and personality to your table setting. Consider incorporating natural materials like woven textiles, wood accents, or ceramic pottery for an organic feel.

5. Curate a Centerpiece that Commands Attention

kitchen table styling

The centerpiece is the pièce de résistance of your kitchen table styling. Think a striking floral arrangement or a cluster of candles. Choose a focal point that commands attention and ties the entire look together. Get creative with unexpected elements like vintage books, decorative trays, or cherished family heirlooms to infuse your personality into the space.

6. Embrace Versatility with Functional Decor

Incorporating functional decor not only adds practicality to your kitchen table but also enhances its overall aesthetic appeal. Consider items like stylish salt and pepper shakers, a sleek pepper mill, or a decorative fruit bowl that serve both form and function. Look for pieces that are not only beautiful but also serve a purpose in your daily routine.

7. Keep it Fresh with Regular Updates

dining room table styling

Lastly, don’t be afraid to switch things up and keep your kitchen table styling fresh and exciting. Rotate your tableware, update your centerpiece with seasonal accents, and experiment with new color schemes and textures to keep your space feeling dynamic and inspiring. After all, the beauty of design lies in its ability to evolve and adapt over time.

In conclusion, styling a kitchen table is a delightful blend of artistry and practicality. By following these tips and infusing your own personal flair, you can create a space that not only reflects your unique style but also invites warmth, conversation, and joy into your home. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and transform your kitchen table into a captivating focal point that will be the envy of all who gather around it. Happy styling!

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Exploring the Benefits of Virtual Interior Design

In the dynamic world of interior design, a remarkable evolution has emerged: Virtual Interior Design. Gone are the days of solely relying on physical blueprints and showroom visits; now, homeowners and designers alike are embracing the digital era to craft spaces that transcend imagination. There are so many different benefits to virtual interior design as opposed to traditional interior design.

1. Boundless Creativity

Virtual interior design serves as a limitless canvas for creative expression. Designers can experiment with an extensive array of styles, colors, textures, and layouts without the constraints of physical limitations. From minimalist chic to opulent grandeur, the digital platform empowers designers to push the boundaries of innovation and cater to diverse tastes and preferences.

2. Enhanced Visualization

One of the most significant advantages of virtual interior design is its ability to provide unparalleled visualization. Through immersive 3D renderings and even virtual reality simulations, clients can step into their envisioned spaces long before construction begins. This immersive experience fosters a deeper understanding of design concepts and facilitates informed decision-making, ensuring that the final result aligns seamlessly with the client’s vision.

3. Streamlined Communication

Effective communication lies at the heart of successful interior design projects. Virtual design platforms facilitate seamless collaboration between designers, clients, architects, and contractors, regardless of geographical barriers. Real-time updates, instant feedback, and interactive design revisions foster transparency and clarity, thereby minimizing misunderstandings and expediting the design process.

4. Cost-Efficiency

Traditional interior design often entails substantial expenses associated with physical prototypes, material samples, and site visits. Virtual interior design offers a cost-effective alternative by reducing overhead costs and optimizing resource utilization. Clients can visualize various design options without committing to costly purchases, thus mitigating the risk of overspending and ensuring optimal budget allocation throughout the project lifecycle.

5. Sustainable Practices

In an era characterized by environmental consciousness, virtual interior design champions sustainable practices and eco-friendly solutions. By leveraging digital tools and virtual simulations, designers can optimize space utilization, minimize material wastage, and explore renewable resources. The ability to assess the environmental impact of design choices empowers clients to make informed decisions that align with their sustainability goals, thereby fostering a greener and more sustainable future.

6. Time-Efficient Solutions

Time is of the essence in the world of interior design, where deadlines loom large and schedules demand adherence. Virtual interior design expedites the design process by accelerating concept development, facilitating rapid iterations, and streamlining project management workflows. Clients can visualize their dream spaces in record time, while designers can focus their energies on creative innovation rather than administrative overhead.

The benefits of virtual interior design are as diverse as they are transformative. From unleashing boundless creativity to fostering sustainable practices, virtual design platforms have revolutionized the way we conceptualize, visualize, and realize interior spaces. As technology continues to evolve, the future of interior design promises to be defined by innovation, accessibility, and unparalleled possibilities.

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Color Psychology Interior Design: Understanding Its Impact

Although my true passion is interior design, my second love is psychology. I love studying and learning how the human brain works & why we think and feel the way we do. Ever since discovering my love for psychology in high school and majoring in it in college, I’ve been committed to learning about how it plays out in interior design because after all, designing a room is all about how the room makes us feel and how our eyes move through the room using focal points & lines. That being said, I’m so intrigued with how implementing certain colors in a room can affect how we feel when we occupy that space and I’m so excited to share my research on color psychology when it comes to interior design with you! Get ready to uncover how those vibrant hues splashed across your walls can significantly influence your mood and overall vibe.

What Is color psychology in interior design?

Color psychology in interior design is the study of how colors can affect human emotions, behavior, and perceptions within a physical space. It involves understanding how different colors evoke specific psychological responses and designing spaces accordingly to create certain atmospheres or moods.

Interior designers use color psychology to choose the right color schemes for different spaces based on the desired atmosphere and the function of the room. For example, calming colors like blues and greens might be used in bedrooms or living rooms to promote relaxation, while vibrant colors like reds and oranges might be used in dining areas or kitchens to stimulate appetite and social interaction.

Red: Passionate Powerhouse

color psychology interior design

Ah, red – the undeniable attention-grabber in the color spectrum. This fiery hue doesn’t just demand your gaze; it practically screams for it. Have you ever walked into a bright red room and immediately felt some sort of energy ignite in you? Red is all about stirring up emotions, igniting passion, and infusing spaces with a burst of energy. It’s the color of love, lust, and, of course, bold statements. Incorporate red into your interiors for a dose of excitement and a touch of drama.

Red is a powerful color that can evoke strong emotions and stimulate the senses. It is associated with energy, passion, and excitement, making it an excellent choice for spaces where activity and conversation are encouraged, such as dining rooms, kitchens, or social gathering areas. Red can also be used as a striking accent color in interior design to add visual interest and focal points within a room. Whether through furniture, artwork, or decorative accessories, touches of red can create a sense of drama and personality while complementing other colors in the space.

When used strategically, red can help create depth and contrast within a room’s color palette. Pairing red with neutral colors like white, black, or gray can enhance its vibrancy and allow it to stand out as a focal point while maintaining a balanced overall look. Since red is a bold and intense color, it’s important to consider its scale and proportion within a room. While a small pop of red can add visual interest, using too much red can overwhelm the space and create a sense of agitation or restlessness.

Blue: Serene Serenade

blue bedroom interior

Blue is a highly versatile color that can be easily incorporated into various design styles, from traditional to contemporary. It pairs well with a wide range of other colors, including neutrals like white, gray, and beige, as well as complementary colors like green and yellow. Picture yourself lounging by the tranquil shores of a vast, azure sea. That’s the serene sensation that blue evokes. Often associated with calmness, clarity, and tranquility, blue is the ultimate soother for nerves and restless minds. Whether you opt for a soothing sky blue or a rich navy, infusing your space with shades of blue invites a sense of peace and stability that’s simply unbeatable.

Blue is a common color for bedrooms for this reason – after all, your bedroom is the space you go to at the end of the day to relax and unwind. Blue is also known to promote concentration and productivity, making it a suitable color choice for home offices, study areas, or workspaces. The calming effect of blue can help reduce stress and enhance focus, allowing for better cognitive performance and task completion.

Lighter shades of blue have the visual effect of expanding the perceived size of a room, making it feel more spacious and open. This makes blue an excellent choice for smaller rooms or spaces where you want to create a sense of airiness and light. Deeper shades of blue, such as navy or indigo, can add a sense of depth and sophistication to a room while instilling a feeling of trust and dependability.

Yellow: Sunshine in a Bottle

color psychology interior design

When life gives you lemons, why not paint your walls yellow? Yellow is the epitome of sunshine – warm, cheerful, and bursting with optimism. It’s the color of laughter, joy, and boundless enthusiasm. From soft pastels to vibrant marigolds, yellow injects spaces with a radiant glow that instantly lifts spirits and brightens moods. Embrace the sunny side of life with a pop of yellow in your interiors!

Yellow is often associated with positivity, optimism, and happiness. Its sunny disposition can uplift the mood and create a sense of joy and optimism within a room, making it an ideal choice for areas where people gather and socialize. Yellow is also often linked to creativity and innovation, making it a suitable color choice for areas where brainstorming and creative thinking are encouraged, such as home offices, art studios, or children’s playrooms. Its vibrant energy can inspire and invigorate the mind, fostering a conducive environment for idea generation and exploration. Yellow is inherently associated with sunshine and warmth, making it an excellent choice for bringing brightness and cheerfulness into a room.

Lighter shades of yellow, such as pastel or buttery tones, can create a welcoming and uplifting atmosphere in spaces like kitchens, dining areas, or entryways.

Green: Nature’s Embrace

color psychology interior design

Ah, green – the color of lush meadows, swaying trees, and rejuvenating forests. As the embodiment of nature itself, green whispers tales of growth, harmony, and balance. From earthy olive tones to vibrant emeralds, green infuses spaces with a breath of fresh air and a touch of vitality. Incorporate green into your interiors to create serene sanctuaries that connect you with the beauty of the great outdoors.

Green has a calming effect on the eyes and mind, making it a soothing color choice for spaces where relaxation and unwinding are priorities, such as bedrooms, reading nooks, or yoga studios. Its gentle and tranquil demeanor can help alleviate stress and promote a sense of inner peace. Incorporating plants, botanical prints, or natural materials like wood and stone can further enhance the connection to nature and create a sense of rejuvenation and vitality within a room.

Different shades of green can evoke different moods and emotions. While lighter shades of green tend to be calming and refreshing, deeper shades like emerald or forest green may evoke a sense of richness and sophistication. It’s essential to consider the desired mood and tone of the room when selecting the appropriate shade of green.

Purple: Majestic Magic

purple bedroom

Step into the regal realm of purple, where elegance meets extravagance in a mesmerizing dance of hues. Purple exudes an air of luxury, sophistication, and mystique that’s simply unparalleled. From deep, royal purples to soft, lavender whispers, this majestic hue adds a touch of opulence to any space. Embrace the enchanting allure of purple and transform your interiors into lavish retreats fit for royalty and add a sense of drama and sophistication to any room!

Since purple is often associated with royalty, luxury, and opulence, it’s a popular choice for adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to a room when referring to color psychology in interior design. Deep shades of purple, such as plum or eggplant, can create a sense of richness and grandeur, ideal for formal living rooms, dining areas, or master bedrooms. Purple is also linked to creativity, imagination, and artistic expression. It can inspire a sense of wonder and intrigue, making it a suitable color choice for spaces where creativity and innovation are encouraged, such as home offices, art studios, or reading nooks.

Different shades of purple can evoke different moods and emotions. Lighter shades tend to be more calming and soothing, while darker shades can be more dramatic and intense. It’s important to consider the desired mood and tone of the room when selecting the appropriate shade of purple.

Orange: Zesty Zing

color psychology interior design

Get ready to spice things up with a splash of orange! Vibrant, energetic, and downright playful, orange is the color of zest and zeal. When referring to color psychology in interior design, orange the hue that ignites creativity, sparks conversations, and injects spaces with a burst of vitality. Whether you opt for a fiery tangerine or a mellow apricot, orange infuses interiors with a sense of warmth and welcome that’s impossible to ignore.

Orange is a warm and energetic color that can inject vitality and excitement into a room. It can be particularly effective in spaces where activity and socialization are encouraged, such as living rooms, dining areas, or playrooms.

If you’re not into painting all of your walls orange, it can serve as a striking accent color when used sparingly in a room. Whether through throw pillows, artwork, or decorative accessories, pops of orange can add visual interest and warmth to a space without overwhelming it. Orange is also found in nature, particularly in fruits like oranges and in autumn foliage, so incorporating natural elements with orange undertones, such as wooden furniture or earthy textiles, can enhance a room’s connection to the outdoors

Pink: Pretty in Pink

Last but certainly not least, we have the eternally charming hue of pink. Soft, sweet, and undeniably romantic, pink is the color of love, compassion, and all things pretty. From delicate pastels to bold fuchsias, pink adds a touch of whimsy and warmth to any space. Pink has warm undertones that can create a sense of warmth and coziness in a room, particularly when paired with complementary colors like white, beige, or gold. Soft pink accents through throw pillows, curtains, or rugs can add a touch of warmth and sophistication to neutral color schemes, enhancing the overall ambiance of the space.

Pink is often associated with romance, femininity, and sweetness, making it a popular choice for bedrooms, nurseries, and spaces where a soft and romantic ambiance is desired. Pink can also inject a sense of energy and playfulness into a room when used in brighter or bolder shades. Hot pink or fuchsia can add a vibrant pop of color to spaces like children’s rooms, playrooms, or entertainment areas, creating a lively and dynamic environment that stimulates creativity and imagination.

Lighter shades of pink, such as blush or pastel pink, can create a soothing and calming atmosphere, ideal for creating a cozy and intimate retreat. Since pink can range from soft and subtle to bold and vibrant, it’s essential to consider the scale and proportion of its use within a room. Be careful though, while a small pop of pink can add visual interest and charm, too much pink can overwhelm the space and create a sense of visual clutter.

When using pink in interior design, it’s important to consider the overall mood and function of the space, as well as the preferences and personality of the occupants. Whether used sparingly or as a dominant feature, pink has the potential to create a warm, inviting, and stylish environment that reflects the unique personality and style of the homeowner.

The color psychology in interior design offers a fascinating lens through which to understand how our surroundings can influence our emotions, behaviors, and perceptions. From the calming effects of blue to the energizing qualities of yellow, each color carries its own unique associations and impacts. By carefully selecting and incorporating colors into interior spaces, designers can create environments that evoke desired moods, enhance functionality, and reflect the personality and preferences of the occupants. Whether aiming to create a sense of tranquility, stimulate creativity, or foster a warm and inviting atmosphere, the strategic use of color allows us to craft spaces that not only look beautiful but also feel harmonious and enriching to inhabit. Remember, when it comes to color, the possibilities are endless – so don’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild and paint your world with the hues that speak to your soul!

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The Charm of Cottagecore Style: 10 Tips for a Cozy Home

Cottagecore Style

What is Cottagecore?

First things first, let’s unravel the mystery of cottagecore. Picture rolling hills, blooming wildflowers, and charming cottages nestled amidst lush greenery – that’s the essence of cottagecore. Rooted in nostalgia for simpler times and a deep connection to nature, the cottagecore style celebrates the romance of rural living and the beauty of the great outdoors.

Cottage style in interior design is a charming and cozy aesthetic that draws inspiration from the quaint homes found in the countryside, particularly in rural areas of England, France, and the United States. It evokes a sense of warmth, simplicity, and nostalgia, offering a retreat-like atmosphere within the confines of one’s home.

As someone who has fallen head over heels for the allure of cottage living, I’m so excited to share with you my top tips for infusing your space with that warm and welcoming vibe. This is the perfect opportunity to grab a cup of tea, snuggle up in your favorite blanket, and learn how to make your home feel like your own cozy cottage!

1. Soften Things Up with Textiles

First things first – let’s talk about textiles. When it comes to cottagecore style, you can never have too many pillows, throws, or cozy blankets. Layer them up, mix and match patterns, and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. After all, there’s nothing quite like sinking into a pile of softness after a long day.

2. Embrace Vintage Finds

One of the hallmarks of cottage style is its love affair with all things vintage. So, hit up your local flea markets, antique shops, and thrift stores in search of treasures with character. Whether it’s a weathered farmhouse table or a quirky set of mismatched chairs, these pieces will add instant charm and personality to your home.

3. Let Nature Be Your Guide

cottagecore style

Cottage living is all about blurring the lines between indoors and out. So, don’t be afraid to bring a bit of the outdoors in! Fresh flowers, potted plants, and natural elements like wood and stone can breathe life into any space, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere that’s oh-so-inviting.

4. Create Inviting Spaces

In the world of cottage style, every corner is an opportunity to create a cozy retreat. Whether it’s a window seat bathed in sunlight, a reading nook tucked away in a quiet corner, or a fireside armchair begging for a good book and a cup of cocoa, make sure your home is filled with inviting spaces that beckon you to relax and unwind.

5. Play with Patterns and Prints

cottagecore style

Cottagecore style is all about embracing the unexpected, so don’t be afraid to mix and match patterns and prints. Whether it’s floral, gingham, or toile, let your imagination run wild and have fun with it! Just remember to stick to a cohesive color palette to keep things from feeling too chaotic.

6. Opt for Soft, Serene Colors

cottagecore style

When it comes to color, think soft and soothing. Pastel hues like powder blue, blush pink, and buttery yellow are the perfect choice for creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere. Not sure where to start? Take inspiration from nature – think shades of sky blue, leafy green, and sun-kissed gold.

7. Add Warmth with Wood AccenTS

Nothing says cottagecore charm like the warmth and texture of wood. Whether it’s exposed ceiling beams, hardwood floors, or rustic furniture pieces, incorporating wood accents into your home is a surefire way to add depth and character to any space.

8. Don’t Forget the Details

They say the devil is in the details, and nowhere is that more true than in cottagecore style. From vintage doorknobs to delicate lace curtains, it’s the little touches that bring a space to life and give it that cozy, lived-in feel.

9. Let There Be Light

Natural light is the secret sauce of cottagecore style, so make sure to let in as much as possible. Keep window treatments light and airy, and consider adding mirrors to reflect light and create the illusion of space. And when the sun goes down, don’t forget to cozy up with plenty of ambient lighting – think candles, fairy lights, and soft lamplight.


Last but not least, don’t forget to make your space uniquely yours. Whether it’s displaying cherished family photos, showcasing your favorite artwork, or incorporating pieces that reflect your personal style and interests, your home should be a reflection of who you are and the things you love.

So there you have it – my top tips for embracing the charm of cottage style in your home. Whether you’re a city dweller dreaming of country living or a suburbanite looking to add a touch of rustic charm to your space, I hope these ideas inspire you to create a cozy retreat that’s as unique and special as you are!

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10 Effortless Ways Enhance Your Curb Appeal

It’s no secret that the foundation of a hospitable home starts with its exterior appeal. Envision this scenario: as you stroll with your dog along your street, a particular house captivates your attention—the epitome of charm and desirability. How do they do it? Don’t worry, I’m about to spill some secrets. I am excited to present the top ten effortless methods to elevate your home’s exterior aesthetics and enhance your curb appeal, ensuring that your residence becomes the envy of the neighborhood (in the best possible way, of course!).

curb appeal

A Fresh Coat of Paint: Color Me Happy

Let’s kick things off with a bang—or should I say, a brushstroke! Revitalize your home’s facade with a fresh coat of paint. Choose hues that complement your surroundings and reflect your personal style. From bold blues to classic neutrals, the possibilities are endless. Pro tip: Don’t forget to spruce up your front door for that extra pop of pizzazz!

curb appeal

Lush Landscaping: Green is the New Black

Time to roll up those sleeves and dig in the dirt! Elevate your curb appeal with lush landscaping that wows at first sight. Plant vibrant flowers, shrubs, and trees to add texture, color, and dimension to your outdoor oasis. Don’t forget to trim those hedges, mow that lawn, and edge those flower beds for a polished, picture-perfect finish.

curb appeal


Let there be light! Illuminate your home’s exterior with strategic lighting that adds both safety and style. Install sleek sconces, charming lanterns, or twinkling string lights to cast a warm glow on your home’s best features. A well-lit entryway not only beckons guests but also adds a touch of magic to your nighttime curb appeal.

curb appeal

Statement-Making Mailbox: Delivering Style

Who said mailboxes have to be mundane? Make a statement with a mailbox that reflects your personality and sets the tone for your home’s exterior. From sleek modern designs to whimsical vintage finds, the options are endless. Bonus points for adding a touch of greenery or seasonal decor to make your mailbox the talk of the town!

Charming Shutters and Window Boxes: Window Dressing 101

It’s time to dress those windows to impress! Adorn your home with charming shutters and window boxes overflowing with blooms. Whether you prefer classic wooden shutters or sleek metal designs, these architectural accents add depth and character to your home’s facade. Fill your window boxes with seasonal flowers or lush greenery for a pop of color that captivates all year round.

curb appeal

Welcoming Entryway: Roll Out the Welcome Mat

Your entryway sets the stage for the rest of your home, so why not make it shine? Spruce up your front porch with cozy seating, colorful cushions, and eye-catching decor that invites guests to linger a little longer. Don’t forget to add a stylish doormat, a charming wreath, and perhaps a pair of potted plants to complete the picture-perfect welcome.

virtual interior design

Driveway Drama: Pave the Way to Wow

Your driveway is more than just a place to park—it’s a canvas waiting to be transformed! Consider upgrading your driveway with stylish pavers, stamped concrete, or gravel for a touch of texture and visual interest. Line the edges with lush greenery or solar-powered lights for added curb appeal that shines day and night.

curb appeal

Focal Point Finesse: Anchor Your Outdoor Space

Every great exterior design needs a focal point to anchor the space and captivate the eye. Whether it’s a charming porch swing, a majestic fountain, or a captivating sculpture, choose a statement piece that reflects your personal style and creates a lasting impression on passersby.

virtual interior design

Sleek Hardware: The DESIGN IS in the Details

It’s the little things that make a big difference! Upgrade your home’s exterior hardware—think door handles, house numbers, and mailbox accents—to sleek, modern designs that elevate your curb appeal to new heights. Opt for finishes that complement your home’s aesthetic and add a touch of sophistication to every detail.

curb appeal

Seasonal Sensations: Embrace the Change

Last but certainly not least, embrace the beauty of the changing seasons by updating your exterior decor accordingly. From festive wreaths and twinkling lights during the holidays to vibrant blooms and outdoor seating in the warmer months, let your curb appeal evolve with the seasons and keep your home looking fresh and inviting all year round.

virtual interior design

And there you have it, friends—10 easy ways to enhance your home’s curb appeal and make a lasting impression on everyone who passes by. So roll up those sleeves, unleash your inner designer, and get ready to transform your home into the envy of the neighborhood. Happy styling & as always, reach out with any questions!

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Dive Into Coastal Chic: Your Ultimate Guide to Seaside Style!

The coastal design style holds a special place in my heart—it’s the one aesthetic that truly feels like home. Having grown up in a picturesque beach town nestled along the coast of Massachusetts, I’ve developed a deep affection for this timeless design. It’s like they say, you always find your way back home, and for me, that sentiment proves true whenever I gravitate towards the comforting embrace of coastal design.

So, if you’re like me & dreaming of salty air, sandy toes, and the soothing sound of waves crashing, then you’re in the right place. Whether you’re a beach bum at heart or just want to bring a slice of coastal charm into your landlocked home, this guide is your compass to navigating the waters of seaside style with flair and finesse.

coastal design style

Ride the Wave of Colors

Picture this: the sun dipping below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of coral, turquoise, and sandy beige. That’s your palette! Embrace those breezy blues, sandy neutrals, and pops of vibrant coral to evoke the essence of the seaside. Think ocean-inspired tones like aqua, seafoam green, and driftwood gray for walls, furniture, and accents.

Let There Be Light (and Lots of It!)

Sunlight shining through sheer curtains, casting a warm glow on whitewashed walls—that’s the coastal vibe we’re talking about. Maximize natural light by opting for lightweight fabrics that billow in the ocean breeze and strategically placing mirrors to reflect light and create the illusion of space.

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Sand, Sea, and Texture, Oh My

Texture is the secret that gives coastal interiors their irresistible charm. Think rattan, sisal, jute, and weathered wood—materials that mimic the raw beauty of the beach. Incorporate woven baskets, sisal rugs, and driftwood accents to add depth and dimension to your space.

coastal design style, virtual interior design

Anchor the Room with COASTAL DESIGN Accents

Choose nautical accents that pay homage to the sea. From anchor motifs to rope details, there’s no shortage of ways to infuse your space with maritime flair. Hang a ship’s wheel on the wall, display vintage buoys as decor, or layer on striped throw pillows reminiscent of sailor’s shirts. Shop our amazon collection for our favorite coastal pillows!

coastal design style, virtual interior design

Seaside Treasures and Souvenirs

Channel your inner beachcomber and adorn your space with seaside treasures and souvenirs collected from your coastal adventures. Display shells, sea glass, and driftwood in glass jars or shadow boxes for a touch of nostalgia that’s uniquely yours.

Bring the Outdoors In

What’s a coastal-inspired space without a nod to Mother Nature? Incorporate greenery and botanicals to evoke the lushness of coastal landscapes. Potted palms, succulents, and tropical blooms breathe life into your space and create a relaxed, resort-like ambiance.

Embrace Easy-Breezy Furnishings

Say goodbye to stuffy, formal furniture and hello to laid-back, comfortable pieces that make you want to kick off your sandals and unwind. Go for plush sofas with slipcovers, oversized ottomans for lounging, and breezy, open shelving to showcase your seaside treasures.

Accessorize with a Coastal DeSIGN Twist

It’s all in the details! Layer on the coastal charm with accessories that capture the spirit of the sea. Hang woven lanterns, drape chunky knit throws over chairs, and scatter seashell cushions on sofas for an extra dose of coastal coziness.

coastal design style

Stay True to Your Coastal DESIGN Vision

Above all, trust your instincts and stay true to your coastal vision. Whether you prefer a laid-back beach shack vibe or a more polished coastal chic aesthetic, let your personal style shine through and create a space that speaks to your soul.

There’s your ticket to coastal chic! With a little creativity, imagination, and a whole lot of seaside spirit, you can transform any space into a coastal oasis that feels like a permanent vacation.

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Your dream home is just a click away & Label It Lauren Interiors is ready to help make that dream a reality! If you’re looking for a custom professional design to implement into your own home, contact us to get started!

Your Ultimate Guide to Decorating for Spring

I think my favorite transformation is when I’m taking down my winter decorations and start decorating for spring – it’s like I can feel the seasonal depression leaving my body when I pull out that first pastel floral centerpiece!

Prepare to embrace the arrival of spring by refreshing your home with the vibrant charm it deserves. With nature’s awakening as inspiration, seize the opportunity to infuse your living spaces with renewed vitality and a touch of seasonal elegance. It’s the perfect occasion to engage in a rejuvenating home makeover. So, in order to celebrate Spring, I’ve put together some tips to make it easy to embark on this journey of transformation, welcoming the blooming season with open arms and a tasteful palette of colors.


Spring wouldn’t be complete without a bouquet of fresh blooms adorning your home. Whether you opt for a vibrant arrangement of tulips, a delicate spray of cherry blossoms, or a fragrant bunch of hyacinths, flowers instantly breathe life into any room. Scatter them across tables, mantlepieces, and countertops for an instant burst of color and fragrance.

decorating for spring

Pastel Paradise

Bid adieu to winter’s moody hues and embrace the soft, soothing tones of spring. Pastel colors like blush pink, mint green, and sky blue are the perfect antidote to the dreary days of winter. Swap out your dark throw pillows and blankets for lighter, brighter alternatives. You’ll be amazed at how these subtle changes can transform the ambiance of your space.

Bring the Outdoors In

As the weather warms up, it’s time to open those windows and let the fresh air in! But why stop there? Incorporate natural elements into your décor to create a seamless transition between indoors and outdoors. Fill glass vases with foraged branches, display potted plants on windowsills, and hang botanical prints on your walls. Mother Nature will thank you for bringing a piece of her indoors.


Hop into the spirit of spring with some whimsical Easter decorations! Deck your halls with colorful eggs, adorable bunny figurines, and cheerful spring wreaths. Whether you’re hosting an Easter brunch or simply want to add a touch of seasonal charm to your home, these festive accents are sure to delight guests of all ages.

Lighten Up

As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, it’s time to lighten up your space – both literally and figuratively. Swap out heavy curtains for sheer ones to let in maximum sunlight. Add mirrors to reflect natural light and create the illusion of space. And don’t forget to switch out those cozy winter throws for lightweight, breathable alternatives. Your home will feel brighter, airier, and infinitely more inviting.

Al Fresco Entertaining

With the arrival of spring comes the promise of outdoor gatherings and al fresco entertaining. Spruce up your outdoor space with cozy seating, twinkling string lights, and vibrant outdoor rugs. Set the scene for memorable gatherings with fresh flowers, aromatic candles, and an abundance of seasonal treats. Whether you’re hosting a garden party or a simple backyard barbecue, your outdoor oasis will be the talk of the town.

And there you have it – your ultimate guide to decorating for spring! From floral frenzies to Easter extravaganzas, there are endless ways to infuse your home with the spirit of the season. So, embrace the beauty of springtime, let your creativity blossom, and watch as your home blooms into a sanctuary of sunshine and smiles. Happy decorating, and may your spring be as bright and beautiful as your newly adorned space!

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Your Ultimate Guide to Designing a Kids Room

Designing a kids room is more than just arranging furniture and picking out paint colors; it’s about creating a space where imagination can flourish, where dreams can take flight, and where memories are made. Whether you’re expecting a new addition to the family or looking to revamp your child’s current space, here are some tips to help you craft a room that inspires wonder and fosters creativity.

designing a kids room

Get Inspired

Before diving into the design process, gather inspiration from various sources such as interior design magazines, Pinterest boards, or even your child’s favorite storybooks. Look for themes, colors, and elements that resonate with your child’s interests and personality.

Involve Your Child

Make designing the room a collaborative effort by involving your child in the decision-making process. Ask them about their favorite colors, characters, hobbies, and activities. Their input will not only ensure that the room reflects their unique personality but also make them feel empowered and excited about their space.

Create Zones

Kids’ rooms often serve multiple functions, from sleeping and playing to studying and relaxing. Divide the room into designated zones for different activities such as a cozy reading nook, a play area with ample storage for toys, a study space with a desk and chair, and a sleeping area with a comfortable bed.

always Prioritize Safety when designing a kids room

Safety should always be a top priority when designing a kids’ room. Choose furniture with rounded edges, secure heavy items to the wall to prevent tipping, and opt for non-toxic materials. Ensure that electrical outlets are covered, cords are safely tucked away, and window treatments are cordless or have inaccessible cords.

Maximize Storage

Kids tend to accumulate a lot of stuff, from toys and books to clothes and crafts. Incorporate plenty of storage solutions such as shelves, bins, baskets, and under-bed drawers to keep clutter at bay and make it easier for your child to stay organized.

Embrace Creativity

Encourage your child’s creativity by incorporating elements that spark their imagination. Consider adding a chalkboard or whiteboard wall where they can draw and write freely, display their artwork and creations, and incorporate playful decor such as whimsical wall decals, colorful rugs, and themed bedding.

Flexibility is Key

Kids interests and preferences evolve over time, so it’s essential to design a room that can adapt to their changing needs. Choose furniture and decor that can easily be updated or repurposed as your child grows, allowing the room to grow with them.

Personalize the Space

Make the kids room design feel truly special by adding personal touches that reflect your child’s interests, passions, and personality. Display cherished mementos, photos, and keepsakes, incorporate their name or initials into the decor, and consider DIY projects that you can create together to add a personal and heartfelt touch to the space.

Consider Functionality

While aesthetics are important, don’t forget about functionality. Ensure that the room is practical and functional for everyday use, with comfortable and durable furniture, adequate lighting for different activities, and easy-to-clean surfaces that can withstand spills and messes.

Have Fun!

Above all, have fun with the design process! Designing a kids room is an opportunity to unleash your creativity and create a magical space where your child can dream, play, and grow. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, experiment with different ideas, and let your imagination soar.

Designing a kids room is a labor of love that requires careful consideration, creativity, and attention to detail. By incorporating these tips and infusing the space with love and imagination, you can create a room that not only delights your child but also inspires them to explore, create, and dream big.

Interested in how to design the perfect nursery? We’ve got you covered!

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Your dream home is just a click away & Label It Lauren Interiors is ready to help make that dream a reality! If you’re looking for a custom professional design to implement into your own home, contact us to get started!

A Look at 2024 Interior Design Trends

In the ever-evolving landscape of interior design, 2024 promises to be a year of creativity, innovation, and elegance. As we navigate through changing times and evolving lifestyles, the trends shaping our living spaces reflect our collective desire for comfort, sustainability, and self-expression. From the revival of vintage aesthetics to the integration of cutting-edge technology, here’s a glimpse into the top interior design trends defining 2024.

  1. Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature Indoors In a world increasingly detached from nature, biophilic design emerges as a refreshing trend, emphasizing the integration of natural elements into our living spaces. From lush indoor gardens to organic materials like wood and stone, biophilic design fosters a sense of connection with the outdoors, promoting relaxation, well-being, and environmental consciousness.
  2. Sustainable Chic: Mindful Consumption Sustainability takes center stage in 2024, with homeowners opting for eco-friendly materials and practices that minimize their carbon footprint. From recycled glass countertops to furniture crafted from reclaimed wood, sustainable chic combines style with ethical responsibility, proving that beauty and sustainability can seamlessly coexist.
  3. The Return of Vintage Glamour Nostalgia reigns supreme as vintage glamour makes a triumphant comeback in interior design. Drawing inspiration from the elegance of bygone eras, homeowners embrace timeless aesthetics characterized by luxe fabrics, intricate details, and opulent accents. Whether it’s Art Deco-inspired lighting or mid-century modern furniture, the allure of vintage glamour adds a touch of sophistication to contemporary living spaces.
  4. Maximalism: More is More In a departure from the minimalist ethos of previous years, maximalism emerges as a bold and vibrant trend in 2024. Characterized by eclectic patterns, bold colors, and a fearless mix of styles, maximalist interiors exude personality and creativity. From statement wallpapers to eclectic art collections, maximalism celebrates individuality and self-expression, inviting homeowners to embrace the beauty of excess.
  5. Adaptable Spaces: Functionality Meets Flexibility With the rise of remote work and flexible lifestyles, interior design focuses on creating adaptable spaces that seamlessly transition between work, relaxation, and entertainment. From multifunctional furniture to flexible layouts, adaptable spaces prioritize functionality without compromising on style, catering to the diverse needs of modern living.
  6. Tech-Integrated Living: Smart Solutions As smart home technology continues to evolve, it becomes an integral part of interior design, offering convenience, comfort, and connectivity. From automated lighting and smart thermostats to voice-controlled appliances and entertainment systems, tech-integrated living spaces redefine the way we interact with our homes, making everyday tasks effortless and efficient.
  7. Artisanal Craftsmanship: Celebrating Handmade In a world dominated by mass production, there’s a growing appreciation for artisanal craftsmanship and handmade goods. From handwoven textiles to handcrafted ceramics, artisanal pieces add warmth, character, and authenticity to our living spaces, creating a sense of connection with the makers and supporting local craftsmanship.

2024 interior design trends reflect a desire for elegance, sustainability, and individuality. From embracing nature-inspired elements to celebrating the beauty of vintage glamour and maximalist expression, homeowners have a wealth of options to create spaces that truly reflect their personality and lifestyle. Whether it’s integrating cutting-edge technology or embracing timeless craftsmanship, the key lies in finding harmony between style, functionality, and sustainability, shaping living spaces that inspire and delight for years to come.

Stay up to date with our interior design tips & tricks, professional designs, room inspirations & more from Label It Lauren Interiors!

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Your dream home is just a click away & Label It Lauren Interiors is ready to help make that dream a reality! If you’re looking for a custom professional design to implement into your own home, contact us to get started!